The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force. 历史车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。
But an irresistible force drew her forward. 但不可抗拒的力量吸引她又往前走。
When the irresistible force of reunification meets the immovable object of independence, concentrating on economics and kicking politics into the long grass remains the most sensible course. 当难以抗拒的统一力量遭遇难以动摇的独立目标,把精力集中在经济上,对政治问题避而不谈,仍然是最明智的选择。
In fact, the personnel, such as the seasons change as simple and natural, there is always an irresistible force, people leave, abandon, as people do nothing but have to face the front. 其实,人事的变更如季节的更替一样简单、自然,总有些不可抗拒的力量,让人离开、舍弃,叫人无可奈何却不得不面向前方。
Some irresistible force has brought me here today. 可有种无形的力量今天把我带来了。
At this place in space, an irresistible force meets an immovable object in an interesting way. 在宇宙中的这个地方,不可抵御的力量遇上了不动如山的物体,并产生有趣的过程。
Since then a Team Yatai group with irresistible force, finally aspires to seize the superior. 自此之后亚泰队一路势如破竹,最终问鼎中超。
The irresistible force of EU-level crisis resolution will eventually come into conflict with the immovable object of national politics. 欧盟层面危机解决机制的不可抗力,终会与各成员国国内政治确定的不可更改的目标发生冲突。
Its buds to ground appearing, this is a kind of irresistible force, stop him from rocks finally came off! 它的芽向地面透着,这是一种无法抗拒的力量,阻挡他的石块终于被掀翻了!
As history surges forward like an unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force. 历史洪流回旋跌宕,奔腾不息,人类社会走向进步的趋势不可阻挡。
With the popularity of computers and mobile phones, network enters the mainstream media with irresistible force. 随着电脑和手机的普及,网络传媒正以锐不可当之势入住主流媒体。
The team appears to be an irresistible force this season. 这支队伍在这个赛季里表现出一种不可战胜的力量。
However, I always have this strong belief, that the historic trend of China-EU relations is irresistible, its driving force will be strengthened and its prospect will be even brighter. 但我始终相信,中欧关系发展的历史潮流不可阻挡,它的发展动力不会减弱,它的发展前景将会更加光明。
The grave natural disaster is regarded as the irresistible force written in the contract law, and so it can be an exemption when the contract cannot be observed. 重大自然灾害在合同法上被界定为不可抗力,作为法定的免责事由而免除当事人合同不履行的法律责任。
With the continued promotion of Six Sigma management method, the gap of product quality between Chinese and West Enterprises is getting smaller with irresistible force. 随着六西格玛管理方法的持续推进,我国机械制造企业的产品与欧美企业同类型产品的差距越来越小,且呈逐渐超越态势。
Collecting tax to Electronic Commerce is an irresistible trend, what at present needs, the force of circumstances. 对电子商务征税是大势所趋,现时所需,形势所迫。
Darkness of inner souls reaches extremity and shows an irresistible force. 隐藏心灵深处黑暗达到了极点,显示其不可抗拒的力量。